Remain proactive against evolving threats

Powered by an extensive cybercrime database, which is constantly updated with information from billions of machines affected by Info-stealers and global malware campaigns. It provides comprehensive and independent threat intelligence across multiple domains including cyber, supply-chain, physical, and fraud, enabling organizations to identify and mitigate various threats in real-time.

ArkSentry Data

  • Compromised Employees

  • Compromised Customers & Users

  • Compromised Vendors

  • Compromised Android Users

  • Compromised Leaked Databases

  • Compromised CXO’s

  • DarkWeb Mentions


  • Logo


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    IBM QRadar

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    And more

Services - As the threat landscape continually evolves, we safeguard both your employees and your customers.

  • Darkweb Monitoring. Gain comprehensive visibility into your organization's exposure on the dark web through a 24/7 monitoring service. Stay informed about compromised devices and accounts, ensuring the security of your human and digital assets.
  • Breaches monitoring. Stay ahead of the curve with our continuous monitoring service that scans the latest breached web services. Receive near-realtime alerts on potentially compromised accounts associated with your organization, ensuring prompt action and heightened security.
  • Account takeover prevention. We are at the forefront of modern e-commerce development. Which mainly means adding your logo to the Shopify store template we’ve used for the past six years.
  • Attack surface discovery. Our attack surface mapping service offers a comprehensive overview of your exposed digital assets and services, providing valuable insights to enhance your security posture and mitigate potential risks.

How It Works

Data Sources Monitoring

We actively monitor underground forums, black markets, Telegram channels, private groups, and the dark web to stay ahead in collecting valuable data. Our comprehensive approach allows us to gather crucial information efficiently and effectively.

Data Collection & Parsing

Our comprehensive data collection infrastructure utilizes integrated pipelines to systematically gather information from diverse sources. This data is then processed and analyzed through our advanced, AI-powered parsing tools, designed to intelligently interpret and organize the information, ensuring high accuracy and efficiency in data analysis.

Real Time Alerts

Upon detecting any data related to our clients, we initiate immediate alerts to prompt swift action, addressing any potential breaches or security concerns.

Frequently asked questions

Who is ArkSentry Powered By?

ArkSentry is brought to life by a team with a strong technical team, boasting an average experience of over six years in offensive security.

Asset Monitoring: What Can I Control?

At ArkSentry, due to the sensitive information that our modules could reveal, we implement strict controls over asset verification to ensure they're legitimately under your purview.

Will Utilizing ArkSentry Affect My Business Operations?

ArkSentry operates in a non-intrusive manner, ensuring no disruption to your business activities. Active reconnaissance measures are only undertaken upon explicit request and are executed with the utmost caution by our team.

How Do I Get Alerts on Compromised Credentials?

ArkSentry delivers real-time notifications for compromised credentials. You can receive alerts and detailed information via the ArkSentry portal or through our supported integrations, including webhooks, Slack, Jira, and PagerDuty.

How Often is the ArkSentry Dataset Updated?

Our system constantly parses various data sources through an always-on automated pipeline. Additionally, scheduled jobs specifically search for any new leaks or mentions related to our clients every half hour.

Can I Also Monitor My Users' Login Credentials?

Yes, ArkSentry oversees all client-owned login URLs to safeguard sensitive information. We exclusively share credentials related to your company with you, enabling you to take necessary action, such as revocation, for your customers' protection.

Can ArkSentry Help with Incident Response?

ArkSentry's incident response protocol swiftly mobilizes a specialized team to contain and mitigate security breaches, guiding clients through immediate and effective containment measures and recovery actions. Our approach emphasizes rapid resolution, transparent communication, and comprehensive support to ensure client resilience and security posture enhancement.

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